Root Canal

Root Canal's In Lake Mary | Family Dental Care



Root canal therapy disinfects the inside of the root of an infected tooth.  Since every patient heals differently, it is hard to predict what your experience will be.  It is common to experience some mild soreness when biting on the tooth for 3-10 days following your treatment.  The following instructions are meant to guide you through the healing process as comfortably as possible.


If prescription medications were prescribed please follow the instructions on the label those given to you by the doctor to the letter.  If you experience any unexpected side effects, please discontinue use and contact our office for assistance.


Liquid or soft diet only is permissible within the 24 hours after surgery.  It is important to drink plenty of fluids.  DO NOT SUCK LIQUIDS THROUGH A STRAW, SPIT OR USE ANY ORAL RINSES WITHIN 48 HOURS OF TREATMENT.


Clean all other areas of your mouth as usual.  Avoid the treatment site for 48 hours, and then resume normal hygiene of the area. You may rinse with a mix of warm water and salt to cleanse and soothe the affected area.


IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU REFRAIN FROM SMOKING FOR A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS AFTER SURGERY.  If you experience fever, a foul or infection type odor or taste near the area or severe swelling lasting more than 24-48 hours please contact our office immediately. 


The treatment has been performed to save the affected tooth from extraction.  It is important to return to our office immediately after healing to complete the restoration (crown) portion of treatment for this tooth.  Your tooth will not be entirely treated or secure until it has been permanently restored with a crown.



Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions or concerns. If you should require urgent assistance after hours, please call:  407-529-5681


Thank you for being a great patient!